High Holidays Form At the Fairmont Monte-Carlo – Salle d’Or For security reasons, reservations are Mandatory. Last Name (required) First Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone Number (required) High Holidays Prayer At the Fairmont Monte Carlo – Salle d’Or I will attend the Prayers on Rosh Hashanah Wednesday and/or Thursday and/or Friday, October 2, 3 & 4 Yom Kippur Friday and/or Shabbat, October 11 & 12 Shemini Atzeret (Yizkhor - Memorial Service for the one year from the Hebrew date of October 7th) Thursday, October 24 at 10h30 Name of each participant (one per line): Attendance is free of charge. You can participate with your donation to the activities of JCCM. I would like to DONATE